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Dawn of the Dead

Dawn of the Dead

Directed by George A. Romero

When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.’ With the U.S. in the grip of a zombie apocalypse, four desperate survivors find refuge in a shopping mall. But the flesh-eating hordes, still possessed by an instinctive desire to consume, are drawn to the same destination. What follows is a nail-biting fight for survival. George A Romero’s Dawn of the Dead remains one of the greatest horror films ever made.

In George A. Romero's classic of zombie horror, four survivors hole up in a shopping mall and fight to survive when the dead are drawn there, too.

Cast: Ken Foree, David Emge, Scott H. Reiniger, Gaylen Ross, David Crawford

Member Reviews

This is the first zombie flick I ever watched. Still holds up in my opinion

10 months ago

another blonde reminiscent of barbara (from night of the living dead) that's useless and needs men to save her constantly, just a bit whelming to see. ken foree is the standout in this movie, the character of stephen is infuriating and makes dumb choices constantly. the film is fun but the runtime is a bit long, 30 mins could be cut and you'd lose nothing from the plot. decent practical effects and the social commentary adds a nice layer to everything. it's worth a watch if you haven't seen it.

11 months ago

Surprised if you haven’t yet seen this - you’re in for a treat. Precisely 4.7 skulls. I bid you luck surviving the brain-dead.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Love it.

1 year ago