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Directed by Sompote Sands

A beach vacation turns tragic when the family members of two doctors turn up dead. When the doctors determine a giant crocodile is responsible, they set out to destroy it.

A giant crocodile is killing and frightening the locals.

Cast: Nard Poowanai, Min Oo, Ni Tien

Member Reviews

Amazing creature feature here loved it from start to finish definitely.

3 weeks ago

Oh wow! This is really bad. I mean bad. The miniatures are quite obvious, the acting is beyond imagination and when all is said and done this film is simply a bunch of separate shots that they then put together to form a cohesive film. Let me tell you something…it didn’t work.

1 month ago

This movie was so bad, that it was actually fun! lol

1 month ago

Just watched Red Rooms prior to this expect it to be mostly stupid gore. Wrong answer, Red Rooms turned out to be a super low gore extremely absorbing story. Then I watched 32 minutes of this joke. Horrible acting, damn close to child porn, some of the worst "science" I've ever had the dishonor of watching. I could go on and on. Even from a gore hound's perspective this is garbage in my humble opinion. It's like Jaws and Piranha had a baby, stuck it in an unrealistic environment and somehow it survived and grew so big that just it's jaws were human size. Oh and throw in that it is not natively english speaking (neither was red rooms, French for that one) and that everything about it including the science is BS. This is a good one for people want their gore with no realistic story and really bad acting. IMHO of course.

1 month ago

This is terrible and I liked it!!

1 month ago