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Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

Directed by Benjamin Park

Five young kinky actors and their artistic director come to a desolate and nearly forgotten burial island, complete with a morbid history.

Six friends in a theatrical troupe dig up a corpse.

Cast: Anya Ormsby, Alan Ormsby, Robert Philip, Jane Daly, Jeffrey Gillen, Bruce Solomon, Seth Sklarey, Debbie Cummins, Roy Engleman

Member Reviews

I remember seeing this in the drive-in when I was a little kid (of course, my mom put her hand over my eyes for a lot of it!), The frustrating thing is that all of the characters were so awful that I just didn't care if they died. I'm glad Alan got what he deserved at the end, though. The only one that I felt slightly sorry for was Anya.

2 months ago

The first hour of this movie is painfully slow. The last 10 minutes are decent zombie chiller.

2 months ago

Cool film

3 months ago

Cool film

3 months ago

Is this slow as hell? Yes. Is it the most accurate portrayal of theatre people I think I've ever seen? Also yes. Very funny lines sprinkled throughout and love the implication that zombies can figure out how boats work

4 months ago