Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
Directed by Benjamin Park
Five young kinky actors and their artistic director come to a desolate and nearly forgotten burial island, complete with a morbid history.
Six friends in a theatrical troupe dig up a corpse.
Cast: Anya Ormsby, Alan Ormsby, Robert Philip, Jane Daly, Jeffrey Gillen, Bruce Solomon, Seth Sklarey, Debbie Cummins, Roy Engleman
Member Reviews
I remember seeing this in the drive-in when I was a little kid (of course, my mom put her hand over my eyes for a lot of it!), The frustrating thing is that all of the characters were so awful that I just didn't care if they died. I'm glad Alan got what he deserved at the end, though. The only one that I felt slightly sorry for was Anya.
The first hour of this movie is painfully slow. The last 10 minutes are decent zombie chiller.
Cool film
Cool film
Is this slow as hell? Yes. Is it the most accurate portrayal of theatre people I think I've ever seen? Also yes. Very funny lines sprinkled throughout and love the implication that zombies can figure out how boats work