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Castle Freak (1995)

Castle Freak (1995)

Directed by Stuart Gordon

An American family inherits an Italian castle which houses a bloodthirsty monster in Stuart Gordon's 1995 creature feature loosely based - of course - on an H.P. Lovecraft story. Gordon's favorite lead actor Jeffrey Combs (RE-ANIMATOR) stars as John, a man involved in an accident that claimed his son's life. Grieving and troubled, the family's unprepared for another blast of horror when the deformed beast starts prowling the halls. Gordon's underrated film is anchored by a dark, serious tone that's unlike his more tongue-in-cheek efforts, but still just as scary.

An American family inherits an Italian castle which houses a bloodthirsty monster.

Cast: Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Jonathan Fuller

Member Reviews

I expected this to be so much worse than it was. The gore was actually pretty convincing and uncomfortable considering the time of its creation. I think that John comes to the conclusion about Georgio a bit out of nowhere, but hey, who cares. This was a very fun watch indeed.

4 months ago

interesting tragic tale, some scenes are uncomfortable, but the family at the core of the story were well played and kept me invested in their situation.

4 months ago

Fantastc. Much better than I assumed it would be.

4 months ago

Fantastic movie. Way better rhan i assumed it would be.

4 months ago

This movie is a tragedy, for each of the characters, even the villain in this story who is only one victim among many others. The horror and the unhealthy is present and I feel like I'm reliving scenes from the movie "Barbarian". I highly recommend it.

4 months ago