Bunker 717
Directed by Gregory Beghin
Three friends explore the abandoned tunnels beneath Paris. But they are not alone, and when they find Bunker 717, they face a desperate fight for survival.
Three friends explore the abandoned tunnels beneath Paris.
Cast: Sofia Lesaffre, Victor Meutelet, Joseph Olivennes, Kassim Meesters
Member Reviews
Although I expected this to be complete trash, it's actually not too bad. This is a movie that understands the importance of building tension, the acting is decent for what it is, and there are some nice visual effects. It is let down a bit by some seemingly important story elements going completely unexplained and the ending is a bit weak, but this is worth a watch nonetheless.
A probable B-Movie Hero. An easy watch and action is quite quickly over
Random dog???
Solid B movie
I wasn't actually expecting it to be this good