Directed by Dan Berk, Robert Olsen
A darkly funny and twisted journey taking place entirely on one unforgettable Christmas Eve, Body revolves around a trio of college co-eds whose dalliance with breaking-and-entering goes horribly awry. Sneaking off to a secluded mansion to party, the young girls are faced with dire choices after they unexpectedly encounter the property’s groundskeeper. Following a freak accident, the girls find themselves entangled in a Hitchcockian nightmare steeped in tension, suspicion, double-crossing, and murder, where no one is to be trusted and a new twist lies around every corner.
A trio of college co-eds break into a secluded house on Christmas Eve and find themselves entangled in a murder.
Cast: Helen Rogers, Alexandra Turshen, Lauren Molina, Larry Fessenden
Member Reviews
I enjoyed this movie. Just a domino of horrible decisions with decent acting. I’d watch it again.
Good watch. You should of just stayed home.
A unique story. Pretty well written. Not high art, but not bad either.