Blood Conscious
Directed by Timothy Covell
A family vacationing in cottage country turns the tables on a mass shooter who claims to be fighting demonic forces.
A family vacationing in cottage country turns the tables on a mass shooter who claims to be fighting demonic forces.
Cast: Nick Damici, Lenny Thomas, DeShawn White
Member Reviews
bad acting, nothing was explained, ambiguous stupid ending. Don't waste your time.
Great performances and a script with potential, let down in its execution. Still scratching my head about the ending.
This is one of the films I have enjoyed the most so far on Shudder. Yes there could have been more pathos from the actors regarding certain deaths, but in my experience people react in their own way to trauma. I would love to see a sequel because ****SPOILER**** it ended on a cliffhanger. For the most part the film had me guessing whether it would just turn into another Evil Dead clone. I'm glad that it didn't and if anything I loved the undertone where you are guessing for a while whether there really are demons, and as in The Thing, who to trust. Whereas in the beginning it's the demons who are trying to pass off as people, in the end it's the people who are pretending to be demons to survive. Genius!
Spoilers, how the hell are two people so calm after seeing their family dead come on now!!. I thought the acting in this was kinda bad honestly but the story was pretty decent however they did nothing with the demon aspect so I don't know why they introduced it. I think maybe the ending which I don't fully get had something to do with the demons. Parts of it were very interesting others were not and I loved the dark woodsy atmosphere. Serving as a ok thriller but it's only three skulls worthy at best.
Enjoyed it IMMENSELY! Went further and further to the edge of my seat with every moment that passed. Laughed my butt off too. BRAVO! The natural lighting in the 'simple' cinematography and grounded performances made for a refreshing horror experience that will be going on several of my letterboxd lists.