Directed by Emilio Portes
On the U.S. / Mexico border, special agent Emanuel Ritter leads a police investigation into a series of shocking deaths involving young children. When a priest from the vatican links the ancient demon Belzebuth to the murders, a descent into horror ensues. From director Emilio Portes, BELZEBUTH is a dark, terrifying new work of demonic possession. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.
Shocking deaths on the US/Mexico border lead a special agent toward an ancient demon.
Cast: Tobin Bell, Joaquín Cosio, Tate Ellington
Member Reviews
Loved it start to finish, great performances all around - particularly from the lead, after only seeing him in some small character roles like The Suicide Squad and that great show The Strain. Awesome visuals, use and inversion of Satanic & Christian imagery.
Loved it.
1 hour in ill change it if it gets better. Great idea, bad execution
Well made but it didn't resonate with me.
Loved the start and wish they would have kept that level of scares. The rest of the movie just fell to Hollywood