Directed by Daniel J. Phillips
Karla, a young medical student, is desperate to find a cure for a genetic, terminal sleep disorder affecting her brother Blake. She agrees to participate in experimental treatment being carried out in an abandoned underground hospital, led by trusted father-figure, Robert.She soon discovers long lost tapes that reveal sinister secrets about their mother’s death from the same genetic condition passed on to Blake, and after a series of terrifying and tragic events point to the supernatural, Karla – a self-professed atheist – comes to the conclusion that the only cure may be an exorcism. The person she trusts the most, however, has other ideas…
When nothing can be done for a Fatal Familial Insomnia patient at the hospital, a med student has her brother moved to a secret facility in the basement for alternative treatment. Is it demonic possession?
Cast: Benson Jack Anthony; Erik Thomson; Sara West
Member Reviews
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I love a good ol' Texas standing bible-off! Insomnia-feeding demon was an interesting choice.
Surprisingly decent. Just wish they didn’t pretend this was an American movie.
It's really weird watching an entirely Australian production pretend to be American. Their accents slip a lot. On top of that its incredibly mid.