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Directed by Iván Zulueta

Horror director José's reclusive bubble is popped by a sudden reappearance from a junkie ex-girlfriend and a package from a troubled friend. This cult film is the final word on cinemania.

José's bubble is popped by a package from a troubled friend.

Cast: Eusebio Poncela, Cecilia Roth, Will More, Helena Fernan-Gomez, Marta Fernandez Muro

Member Reviews

Sincerely one of my favorite movies of all time. Completely beautiful and eerie and sad.

1 month ago

I loved this as a sort of meta-meditation on being a creator. I am kind of obsessed with the quote they kept repeating (in the subtitles at least). I have read about ten reviews of the film so far and not one has even mentioned it. At first I thought it might have been some literary reference but it doesn't pop up when searched. Curious.

1 month ago

super cool, but the subtitles are messy on this cut

2 months ago

this spanish film is both to boring and bad!

2 months ago

The same line they kept repeating drove me absolutely nuts. After finishing it I have no idea what to make of it .

2 months ago