Directed by Ben Brewer
In a near future, normal life on Earth has been decimated. Paul and his two sons, Thomas and Joseph, have been living a half-life – tranquility by day and torment by night. Every night, after the sun sets, they face the unrelenting attacks of a mysterious and violent evil. One day, when Thomas doesn't return home before sundown, Paul must leave the safety of their fortified farm to find him. A nightmarish battle ensues that forces the family to execute a desperate plan to survive.
Nicolas Cage stars in a near future nightmare, where a man and his two sons must fight mysterious terrors after the sun sets.
Cast: Nicolas Cage, Jaeden Martell, Maxwell Jenkins, Sadie Soverall
Member Reviews
I loved this. It was something new. Although I would have made a tweak to the ending.
It wasn’t that bad people.
good not bad
Bad. Plot is stupid and derivative but the worst part is the ridiculously nonsensical and unexplained Looney Tunes monsters, that seem imported from some other far more interesting movie
Solid and original