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All You Need Is Death

All You Need Is Death

Directed by Paul Duane

A young couple who collect rare folk ballads discover the dark side of love when they surreptitiously record and translate an ancient, taboo folk song from the deep, forgotten past.

A couple discover the dark side of an ancient folk song.

Cast: Simone Collins, Charlie Maher, Catherine Siggins, Nigel O'Neill, Olwen Fouéré

Member Reviews

Interesting and worth a watch all the way through. Some weak elements here and there that have it an amateur / TV feel but overall good effort.

13 hours ago

A song. A door. A feast. The key. The Death. The Rebirth. Immortal. Incredible movie tense with a harmonic silence intermingled with songs reverberating. Fantastic cast and as always Olwen Fouéré at her best.

15 hours ago

A good Irish folk horror movie. Slow at parts but overall unique and worth the watch. Letterboxd will have a my more in depth analysis.

16 hours ago

Pleasantly creepy enough and I love folklore anything with folklore I pretty much love, but it was creepy. Some may think five is a little too much so 4 to 5.

17 hours ago

I love Irish folk horror. It’s not up there with some of the best but kept me interested the entire time.

18 hours ago