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The Ranger

The Ranger

Directed by Jenn Wexler

After a run-in with the cops at a punk show goes sideways, Chelsea and her pals flee the city in search of a place to lay low. Running to the security of Chelsea’s old, abandoned family cabin in the woods, they fall under the watchful eye of an overzealous park ranger who holds a secret from Chelsea’s past. Set to the beat of a killer punk soundtrack (Fang, The Avengers, The Grim, Rotten UK and more) and presented in eye-popping neon colors, Jenn Wexler’s debut offers a modern take on survivalist horror that both celebrates and subverts the genre’s tropes with equal parts humor, glitter and gore. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL. Contains strong language, violence and gore.

Teen punks on the run face off against an unhinged park ranger with an axe to grind.

Cast: Chloë Levine, Granit Lahu, Bubba Weiler, Jeremy Pope, Amanda Grace Benitez

Member Reviews

Scary, fun and intriguing. Bizarre and unsettling in parts. Great movie!

3 weeks ago

This felt like a director's debut, and it definitely shows. A bunch of punk rockers escape the law and go to a cabin that apparently hasn’t been visited in years. For a cabin that’s been sitting for years, it’s too clean and polished and not even run down. The characters were all unlikable, minus the lead. She probably has the best performance despite what little material she has. The movie is shot during the day, and personally, the lighting was too bright at times, often showing the lack of budget. The Ranger character wasn’t intimidating or evil enough to me. The kills were ok. The end is the bloodiest. It’s not unwatchable, but it’s not good either.

2 months ago

Catharsis in beating the shit out of a man while screaming goes crazy

2 months ago

I'm a sucker for brutal and outdoorsy final girls.

2 months ago

Decent. The secondary protagonists were a bit annoying, but I liked the main protagonist and the Ranger nemesis. It was different, for sure.

4 months ago